May 16th - 20th 2016

Date: 20th May 2016 @ 11:13am


The infants have had a lovely time 'developing' the outside area this week thanks to a very generous donation of plants (thank you Nicky Brown!!)  We have filled several pots and had a go at re-doing some of the hanging baskets so, with the help of equal amounts of rain and sunshine, we hope to be 'in bloom' as summer approaches. Our lovely new sand tray also made an appearence this week so, not only have we been growing water 'orbs' and sea creatures in our water tray but we have been able to use them imaginatively whilst playing in the sand  tray too.


On the not so sunny days infants have had a lovely time dancing with pom poms to their favourite pop songs on the big screen and amazed us all with their excellent gymnastic skills and routines on the mats.



The juniors started their week by decorating cakes before, once again, spending much of their time outdoors. Several children took part in creating some posters ready for Liverpool's big football match on Wednesday and the competative theme seems to have remained throughout the week with many of the children jumping at the chance of entering all sorts of competitions themselves, from table tennis to word searches, in the hope of winning raffle tickets and a variety of prizes. Painting also continues to be a popular activity with children creating some beautiful works of art.

It has come to our notice that several of our older junior children now bring mobile phones with them into school (and then hand them into the office for safe keeping). We understand the need for your children to have phones with them in case of emergency but our policy in club is along the same lines as the policy within school i.e. children are not permitted to have phones in their posession whilst in club.  If we see your child with a phone we will have no option but to keep hold of it until they are signed out.  Should your child need to use their phone they simply need to ask a member of staff and they can make any necessary calls home under staff supervision.  We hope you understand that we are not trying to be difficult - we are just doing our utmost to protect your children whilst they are in our care.

You will probably be aware, from the school newsletter and posters, that next week is school disco week so there may be a bit of disruption on Tuesday and Wednesday as we won't have access to the infant hall in the usual way. The infant hall will be out of use until 4.30pm for Out of School Club on both of these days but children who are due to be in club have been invited to the disco at no extra cost (yrs 1 and 2 on Tuesday and reception children on Wednesday).  Those children should bring their own clothes with them and change in class etc but, to avoid any confusion, I will be asking parents to confirm who is going to the disco and who is not so that we know exactly where everyone is.  A member of our staff will remain with the children in the disco and collect them from class afterwards.  Whilst the disco is in full flow we anticipate that we will be using our new pre-school room and outdoor area (and possibly the computer room so that staff are available to answer the door etc) but just come to the door and ring the bell in the usual way and someone will let you in and point you in the right direction.

The juniors also have their disco on Tuesday at 5.30pm so club children will be joining the infants after snack on that day to make the junior hall available for the disco .  If your child is in yr 3 or 4 and you wish for us to drop them at the disco at 5.30pm you will need to let us know.  Without your permission we aren't permitted to let any children out of our care (no matter how much they beg or cry!)

Places are filling up for whit holiday club so be sure to book any sessions you require by clicking on the link to download a form: and returning it to us, with payment, asap.  Don't forget we are also open on Monday June 6th (inset day).

Click on the link for further details:

Information on summer holiday clubs and play schemes will be available shortly.