Welcome Back!!

Date: 16th Sep 2016 @ 3:39pm

Despite it being a busy and hectic first couple of weeks back, children have settled into breakfast and afterschool club as if they had never been away.  Our infant children have welcomed in some new starters and are more than happy to show them the ropes so there has been very little for us staff to do.  Our aim this year is to further utilise the preschool room so we are very much looking forward to introducing more age appropriate activities for the little ones enabling us to assist the school in tracking some of the children's early years development.


As is always the case when we are getting to know each other, our September theme is 'All about me' and 'British Values'.  So far we have drawn portraits of ourselves, looked at what it is to be kind, created our very own family trees, made faces out of playdough and implemented some club rules and boundaries. 





Parents and carers will notice that we have a few new faces amongst the staff and have had a bit of a reshuffle but the main core of our staff remains the same.  I (Dani) continue to oversee both the junior and infant clubs (I'm the one to contact if you have any questions or queries etc.), Claire Keegan is the infant manager and Aaron Rafferty is the manager over on the junior side.  We also have three new apprentices this year so look forward to getting to know them over the next few weeks.

Most of you should now be aware of the infant sport courses that are running after school.  We are pleased to announce that we now run a year 1 and 2 gymnastic session in the infant  hall on a Wednesday night which is already extremely popular.  We still have one or two places left if your child wants to sign up.


Looking forward, we are now taking bookings for half term holiday club.  This years theme will be 'A Sense of Diversity' where we will be exploring diversity through the senses of sight, touch, smell, hearing and taste so it proves to be an interesting week!!  You will notice that we have changed our 'floating five hours' back to just a morning and afternoon option (which is what the majority of you are opting for anyway) so please state which session you require on the form.  We are also changing our sport/football sessions slightly to shorter half day sessions so make sure you read the details properly before booking.

To download a booking form please click on the following link: 
