May 23rd - 27th 2016

Date: 26th May 2016 @ 10:10pm

It has been yet another hectic week at S4YC with infants and juniors joining forces on several occasions due to activities going on within school.  As is always the case, the children made the best of their time together and, although some of the planned activities had to be put on hold, children enjoyed their time together both inside and out.

Both infants and juniors started their week with some summer crafts using a range of materials to create flowers and other summer inspired creations.


The infants went on to discover the art of 'tracing' and thoroughly enjoyed flicking through some of their favourite picture books before choosing an illustration to recreate in their own unique way.  


The junior children have had several opportunities to showcase their musical talents this week with some of the children entertaining each other by singing and playing guitar.  After a bit of a clear out, the infants also enjoyed demonstrating their musical talents thanks to the unearthing of a number of tuned percussion instruments from the S4YC storage container.  It has been lovely to see the children bring their love of music to club - who knows, maybe this pastime could potentially be something we encourage more of in future club sessions (all be it in small doses!!)

The juniors took their arts and crafts outside on Wednesday as they created their very own 'ocean in a bottle'.  The ocean theme continued indoors with some children opting to make a number of colourful fishy mosaic masterpieces.


Despite club being extremely busy on Thursday, infant children demonstrated just how sensible and independent they have grown to become as they participated in a number of child initiated activities using all (and I mean all!) of the resources available to them.  Not only did they produce a number of creative masterpieces but they enjoyed time outside in the 'back garden' tending to their new plants as well as checking out their 'creatures' in the water tray, they joined in with games of pool and football, enjoyed building 'castles' with the constuction toys, practiced their writing, spent time in the ICT suite and also played imaginatively making full use of a selection of boxes and the dressing up clothes.  


We have also been very lucky to receive an unexpected delivery of furniture and outdoor equipment on the infant side so look forward to many hrs of potting plants and creating mud pies in our very own mud kitchen!!

After the weekend off to prepare ourselves, we are looking forward to a busy week of holiday club as we embark on a number of activities based around the theme 'I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here' so are keeping our fingers crossed that the sun shines and we can appreciate the outdoor environment whilst getting stuck into some Australian arts and crafts and a number of 'Bush Tucker Trials'.  It promises to be an enjoyable and varied week with something for everyone so don't forget to book your child into any sessions required.  We do still have spaces available but club often fills up quickly once the holiday has begun so book now to avoid disappointment.

For those of you who are extra specially organised and like to plan ahead, you can now download our summer holiday club booking forms by clicking on the following link: