Happy St Patrick's Week!!

Date: 18th Mar 2016 @ 2:08pm


Both infant and junior clubs have enjoyed a 'Celtic-themed' week as we have enjoyed celebrating St Patrick's Day through a number of Irish related arts, crafts and activities.  We have made rainbow mobiles and cakes, decorated shamrocks, coloured in St Patrick's Day cards and made leprechaun bookmarks ... not to mention making several attempts at searching for the pot of gold (as yet with no luck!!)



Despite some disruption due to the unavailability of the junior hall, the junior children have enjoyed joining forces with the infants.  Thanks to the lovely weather both have enjoyed playing outdoors together and it has been lovely to see the different ages interacting with each other so well.  The infants spent a couple of days exploring the outdoor area adjacent to the new pre-school room and can't wait for it to be 're-developed' later in the year - children especially enjoyed cleaning some of the outdoor toys with cups of water although their throwing skills are much to be desired - luckily joining in with a couple of 'Just Dance' routines had us all dried off before home time!! 

The juniors also enjoyed taking part in a number of their own outdoor activities this week including football, acting on the outdoor stage, a spot of photography and some even chose to take the craft activities outside making the most of the dry weather and blue skies.


I am pleased to say that some of our junior children are keen to put their journalistic talents to good use and have been interviewing each other throughout the week to talk about their favourite parts of Out of School club.  We look forward to weekly/fortnightly updates from our budding young reporters.

This week our journalists Matthew and Joe have taken their reporting roles extremely seriously as they have spent time asking children what they have enjoyed most in club - Amy and Sophie have enjoyed gymnastics because they love getting time to practice. Millie has also enjoyed gymnastics and being creative whilst DJ has enjoyed football this week stating that it is 'fun'.  Well done Matthew and Joe for all your input this week - keep up the good work!!