April showers bring May flowers...!

Date: 6th May 2016 @ 6:39am

I will probably be tempting fate to say it but, after what can only be described a very cold and soggy April, we are extremely pleased to be enjoying some May sunshine ... long may it continue!! Whilst some children have chosen to stay indoors and make the most of the peace and quiet, the majority of children have enjoyed the fresh air and taken most of what we have to offer indoors outside (our new pool table included). The infants have especially enjoyed playing out in their new and 'improving' outdoor space next to the pre-school room and have had a great time going in the playhouse and tent, getting wet in the water tray (with a bit of help from the watering cans and the little hands that had hold of the watering cans!) and making 'music' with the help of a few pots and pans.  The neighbours will be glad to know we are swapping the metal spoons for wooden ones as of next week! The infants have also had a lovely time making some decorations to go outside and we look forward to doing a bit of planting and introducing some bugs to our 'mini-beast habitat' over the next week or so, so all in all things are really beginning to take shape.



Over on the junior side, children have been equally busy and have also made the most of the beautiful weather by playing out on the field, giving the children plenty of opportunities to play football and rounders (without fear of breaking any windows), join in with fun parachute games and to practice a number of gymnastic routines they have been putting together.


May the fourth, or 'Starwars Day' as we prefer to call it didn't go forgotten as children made a number of Starwars character puppets and the rest of the week saw children celebrate Mexico as they made Cinco de Mayo woven crafts with sticks and wool.  

The juniors have also started their 'Big Spring Clear Out' this week so look forward to making a list (with children's help) and stocking up on some new resources over the next few weeks.  In addition to getting some new resources, the juniors are looking to start a small after school library/book area so if any of you have unwanted books to spare that are age-approprate for the junior children we would be more than happy to take them off your hands.

Holiday club booking forms have been sent out with May invoices so please do complete a form and return it to us with full payment (or voucher payment/BACS) by 20th May to get the early booking deal.

Toddler group continues to grow in popularity and we are in the process of working out the logistics of using the preschool room and outdoor area when the weather allows.  Unfortunately we only have one sesson left before the whit holiday due to the unavailability of the infant hall on the 18th and 25th of May so, if you have a toddler, do call in this coming Wednesday (9.10 am - 10.10 am).  We will be up and running again the first Wednesday after the whit holiday break (8th June).