23rd - 27th November 2015

Date: 27th Nov 2015 @ 5:15pm

Despite it still being November we have spent the last week making an early start to our Christmas crafts in preparation for the school Christmas Fair.  Having been given the task of 'making everywhere feel Christmassy' and the promise of plenty of paint and glitter we have been working extremely hard to succeed in our mission.


As well as working collaboratively on a number of large pieces of Christmas art we have made a giant tree, a reindeer, angels galore, stockings, baubles, snowflakes and festive paper chains. Admittedly children and staff will be spending much of the coming weekend trying to rid themselves of surplus glitter (thanks to some of our younger children not quite understanding the concept of applying glue before getting ever so slightly carried away with handfuls of glitter) but hopefully our efforts will be appreciated when our artwork goes on display in a week's time.



We still have some finishing touches to add to our decorations but are pleased to share with you some photos of our 'work in progress'.




On the subject of Christmas, we are pleased to say we are offering 2 days of holiday club on Monday 21st and Tuesday 22nd December from 8am - 6pm.  If you wish to book a place for your child please contact me (Dani) at dani@s4yc.co.uk or speak to me in club and I will add your child to our holiday club register.