19th - 23rd September 2016

Date: 23rd Sep 2016 @ 12:39pm


The focus of our week has been 'family and friendship' and we are thrilled with how well the infants have welcomed in the new reception/preschool children. Staff are also pleased with how well the new yr 3s have become re-acquainted with their friends in the juniors. Long may these friendships continue to grow...!!



Thanks to the unpredictable British weather we have been able to enjoy a few sunny days this week (and are making the most of it before the nights start drawing in!)  Despite numerous desperate pleas to spend the whole of after school club in the computer room, staff have encouraged the children to play outside and, as you can see from the photos, the children have thoroughly enjoyed themselves. 


The infant children have enjoyed dressing up as superheroes and 'saving the world' and the juniors have had a lovely time playing football on the field and making up a selection of 'friendship games' including a 'friendship frisbee' game with a difference!!


We even managed to keep the infant children out of the computer room for the majority of Wednesday night when the hall was in use and instead utilised the S4YC preschool space and outdoor area.  The juniors, however didn't have much option as the junior hall was in use for 'Young Voices' but we will be exploring an number of other options for upcoming Wednesdays.

With a new term has come a few changes and, through much discussion with staff and children, we have been working towards setting up some new clubs (within club!), varying our snacks and introducing/replacing resources and craft items using some of our 'early starters' breakfast club fund.  Children very much enjoyed their new Monday snack of French bread with various toppings and they have spent much of the week creating allsorts of interesting craft items using the new Hama beads that arrived on Monday.  The infants have enjoyed the company of several new puppets and are looking forward to the arrival of a selection of new superhero capes to go with the slightly ragged ones we already possess!!

With reagrds to arts and crafts, the infants were easily pleased this week and, after discovering a couple of rolls of tin foil this week, the children were drawn to all things shiny so were excited to take part in a 'name mosaic' activity where all the squares were glittery and sparkly. They also enjoyed a spot of painting in the preschool room.


The juniors continued with the 'family and friends' theme as they enjoyed making friendship bracelets, pet inspired hand puppets and hama bead representations of family members.


With just one more week of September to go, we are all thoroughly looking forward to October and a number of Autumn based arts, crafts and games.